Recright Blog

Stay on top of the latest happenings and trends in recruitment


Never-ending debate about how candidates perceive video interviews

Video interviewing is still somewhat controversial method among candidates, but according to our research, most of job seekers think positively of it.


What do our customers think about us?

Every year we conduct a Recruiter Survey to answer some common questions among video interview users.


4 questions recruiters ask about video recruitment, answered

In this post, we will respond to some of the questions we get from recruiters regarding video recruitment, and back up the answers with hard data.


Can video interviews help you cut recruitment costs?

Yes, and tremendously. In this blog post, you’ll learn how implementing recorded video interviews into your recruitment can save you time and money!


Why is employer branding important?

In today’s war for talent, you need to have a strong employer brand. But why is employer branding important? Let us elaborate


What candidate screening method is the most efficient?

We asked 266 recruiters, which method they prefer when it comes to selecting candidates for personal interviews. Here are the results!


Video interview types: What are embedded video interviews?

Embedded video interview is a perfect option when your recruiting needs are lighter. How and when to use them? Find out here!


Slush in +30°C

Head of Slush Singapore, Anna Ratala tells on video about how Recright video recruitment platform is perceived in Singapore.


How to Combine Video Interviews and Social Media

Social media and recorded video interviews have both quite recently become relevant in recruiting. Social media is a great place to share your job adds.


What should recruiters know about GDPR?

The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) affects all organizations in the EU area. Make sure that all your information systems are GDPR compliant.


Global recruiting: How to find and hire the right talent worldwide

Global recruiting is key to your company growth. How should you approach your international candidates? Find out in this blog post!


3 ways to use video in the recruitment process

If you want to attract and hire top talent you should start using videos in your recruitment! In this blog post we’ll tell you how to do it.


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